About Hearing Solutions
Hearing Solutions first opened its doors in 2004. In 2018, Dr. Meg Cates took over as the previous owner retired. For Dr. Meg, it was the perfect fit. She could continue the same high standard of care that the Jewels’ patients had come to expect.

Meet Your Audiologist in Louisville, CO

Dr. Meg
Meg Cates, Au.D., has been a practicing audiologist since 2011. For her, the field is a great marriage of technology with patient care, and she loves that she can effect change in the quality of people’s lives. A native of Arkansas, she moved to Colorado in 2015 and has loved it ever since. She is passionate about spreading the word about the connection of a variety of health issues with hearing loss and cares about good old-fashioned customer service.
Dr. Meg earned her Doctor of Audiology degree from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences in May 2011.

Melodi Gallego
Front Office
Bio coming soon
How We Give Back to Our Community
We believe in giving back to our community. Every year we put together a Hear for the Holidays contest to fit premium hearing aids on a deserving Boulder County/Broomfield County applicant. We also provide monthly hearing services at Balfour Senior Living and provide yearly hearing screenings at Louisville Senior Center, as well give presentations in the community and for local universities, including the Hearing Loss Association of America.