Additional information on hearing health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Hearing aids receive sound through a microphone and transmit it into the ear through a speaker. Your hearing aids will be programmed by our audiologist to provide you with the perfect amplification to help you hear sounds and speech. The hearing aid system is complex, but on a basic level hearing aids amplify sounds while filtering out background noise.

Selective listening or selective auditory attention is a type of selective attention that involves the auditory system. This disorder is characterized by people focusing their attention intentionally on a specific source of sound. Selective hearing isn’t a hearing disorder but it can affect your ability to focus on different sounds around you.

No, earplugs are not bad for your ears. In fact, it is recommended that you wear custom earplugs or another form of hearing protection whenever you are exposed to loud sounds.

We carry hearing aid batteries at our hearing center. The most common type of hearing aid batteries are zinc-air button disposable batteries. All manufacturers use the same color scale – blue, orange, yellow, and brown – to specify the battery’s size. If you have a rechargeable hearing aid, then you won’t need to buy or replace batteries. These devices use rechargeable hearing aid batteries that will be placed on a charging station at night. If you need new hearing aid batteries, contact our office.

You may have seen online or heard from a friend that ear candling is an effective way to naturally remove earwax. However, this is a myth. Ear candling is not a good way to remove earwax. Earwax will work itself out of your ear canal naturally. Ear candling can cause more harm than good as you can accidently burn the delicate parts of your ears. If you have earwax that is impacted, you should contact our office for an ear cleaning.

Hyperacusis, otherwise known as sound sensitivity, is when everyday sounds are extremely irritating and even painful. Hyperacusis is rare and only affects approximately 9% of adults.